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筒灯系列 Down lighting series 产品特点 从设计,选材到制造,全面体现了富邦照明固有的浑宏大气而又精工细作的治业态度和产品风格,无频闪,无辐射,无躁声,高频电子推动灯管,使人眼感到频闪的机会降低至最低,有效减低眼睛疲劳,保护眼睛,特殊滤波电路设计,降低草民磁辐射,减少对用电高妙施及人体健康的影响,安全,节能,环保,有效节电达30%以上,绝缘性能佳,防雾能力好.高功率因数电子镇流器高频输出流明,光效高,无频闪,抗干扰,无污染,属绿色环保节能首选产品 适用场子所 商业大楼。大堂入口,百货商场,饮食店,服装店,零售店,展示中心,专卖店,展览厅,银行,学校,医院,家居 Product feature Comprehensivellllly embodying traditional 富邦照明religious attitude of working an d product style Without stroboflash,without radiation and noises High-frepuency electronics drive tube which will make you not feel the existen ce of stroboflash and tired ,your eyes will be also Proteced ,Special design of filter circuit ,reduce electromagnetic radition and effect to electric appliance and Body health Safety,energy-saving,environment protection The energy �saving quantity is above 30% Good insulation,excellent ability resisting fog Electgronic ballast of high power factor releases high �frequency lumen ,high light efficiency ash, without stroboflash,guard against Disturbance,without pollution,which is the preferred product of green and environment �protection Adapted places Commercial building,entrance of hall, store Refreshment shop,clothes shop ,retail shop ,Fair center, monopolistic shop,Bank ,school, hospital ,family

公司名称: 中山市富邦照明电器有限公司 姓 名: 王长青 (销售部 经理) 电 话: 86-0760-22361990 传 真: 86-0760-22316941 手 机: 13178828528 详细地址: 广东中山市古镇海洲胜利二路20号(即海洲加油站对面)