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防水防潮支架 WATERPROOF&DAMPPROOF BRACKET 特点:1、防水、防尘、防潮性能特佳,流线形灯身,达密封防水标准确IP65。 2、灯罩采用德国拜耳PC2407、2807型材料,坚固耐用,不易老化,具阻燃、耐高温、耐腐蚀、透光性好及抗红外线、紫外线辐射的功能。 3、采用德国产BJB系列灯管座,保证接触的永久可靠性。 4、配套使用符合3C标准的富邦照明电子镇流器,质包2年。 5、节能、省电、长寿命,灯管采用符合国际环保标准的固态汞;可配各种色温的国际标准型灯管。 6、道线及其它配件采用阻燃材料,耐温达到105・C以上,耐压大于1800V。 7、可配T5、T8、PL型全智能化功率因数0.98的与国际水平同步的电子镇流器(90V-300V),质包五年。 适用范围:地下室、仓库、停车场的照明、工厂、药厂及食物工场的照明、厨房、浴室及桑拿间的照明、行人走廊及隧道的照明、立交桥和楼房的护栏照明、候车月一及其它公共场所的照明。 Characteristic: 1Waterproof, dust palliative, excellent humidity defended, streamline light body, reach the airproof & waterproof standard lp65. 2The lampshade adopts Germany PC2407, type material, which has the following functions; hard enduring, not easy aging, burning preventing, heat bearing, corrosion bearing, good light permeance and anti-infrared ray, ultraviolet ray radiates. 3The light holder chooses to use the German BJB, which guarantees the permanent touch dependability. 4Matching with the 富邦照明 modern electronics machine which measures up 3C standard, quality warrant last two years. 5Save energy and electricity, longevity life. Light tube adopts solid mercury which match the international environmental protection standard. can match every kind of light tube with the international standard. 6The electricity wire and other accessories adopt burning-prevention material, the temperature resistance attains above 105・C and the compression resistance attains above 1800V. 7Can go together with type T5, T8, PL which are entirely intelligent, 0.98 power index international level electronics machine (90V-300V),quality warrant is for five years. Applicable usage: Basement, warehouse, parking lot, Factory, pharmaceutical factory and food industrialplant, kitchen, bathroom and sauna room, pedestrian hallway and tunnel, cloverleaf junction and parapet of the house, Station platform and other public places.

公司名称: 中山市富邦照明电器有限公司 姓 名: 王长青 (销售部 经理) 电 话: 86-0760-22361990 传 真: 86-0760-22316941 手 机: 13178828528 详细地址: 广东中山市古镇海洲胜利二路20号(即海洲加油站对面)